Friday, November 2, 2012

You know not

One monday afternoon
Homeward after school
Detour to her house
As quietly as a mouse

To her window on tip toe
Exhilarated what's in store
Peeling each piece off
To the shower she is off

Every droplet on her skin
Such beauty is a sin!
Suddenly freezes time
Her eyes lock on mine!

Caught peeping, should I run?
No! She beckons, to me come
Not a moment's hesitation
Overwhelmed with temptation

In a flying second, at her side
On me her hands, take a ride
Pulled in to a warm embrace
Exploring, my heart's a race

Her lips all over me
Touching places beyond me
Sweet love, to her I make
Soaring to the sky, her I take

Hot and flushed, that's an end
Or is it just I, who is spent? ;)
What you do, to me dear teacher
You know not, my sweet teacher